Interview with
Ekaterina Korobova

Founder of Moscow Public Art Fund

With her busy schedule we managed to have this small interview in a restaurant near the Red Square Area. We asked Ekaternia about the Artwork “Echo in Moscow” and here what she said.

Moscow Design Week 2017 Booklet

Slide to see the article about “Echo” that was featured in the Moscow Design Week 2017 booket

Content of The Article

“Echoes”  is popular installation by Husam Chaya, that connects nine two-meter sculptures of steel, polished to perfectly smooth shape. They form an illusory geometric figure. The guests could fall into another sound dimension entering inside. Sounds change their properties, creating an amazing transformation of human voice. Mirror forms reflects surface of the environment, showing us the main idea of installation; “Art is the mirror of our days”. The project is presented by Moscow public Art Fund and with participation of Saatchi Art.